Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a strategy you could use to get your whole house clean in just an hour? It will take work and focus to accomplish the task but it’s possible! Regardless of the room you’re cleaning you always want to start from the top and work down. This allows the dirt to fall from the top down, otherwise you’ll have dust land on surfaces you’ve already cleaned. Ceiling fans to furniture and then the floor. The floor should always be last step to remove all the dirt in the room.
List for How to Clean a House Fast
• Bedrooms. 6-12 minutes each. Strip the beds and remake them. Make it easier by using one hand to lift the mattress with one hand and tuck the corner with the other rather than hunching over the bed to do the tucking. Grab a laundry basket to pick up all the clutter and hide it away until so you can organize it later. Then use a spray and microfiber cloth to dust from the top to the bottom.
• Bathrooms. 7-14 minutes each. Take a cleaning spray and spray all your bathrooms at the same time so it can sit while you clean the toilets. Then wipe all the counters in all the bathrooms, rinse the tubs and clean the mirrors. Then come back to clean the floors when you clean the kitchen floors.
• Living/Dining Rooms. 7-14 minutes. Pick up all the clutter then work form one corner of the room and dust from top to bottom. Make sure to do ceiling fans and blinds first. Give the furniture a quick vacuum with the upholstery wand of your vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the floors when you vacuum the rest of the house.
• Kitchen. 12-24 minutes. Fill the dishwasher with the dirty dishes and fill the sink with hot, soapy water. Wipe the stove, clear the counters and wipe them down. Wipe the cabinets and remember to work from the top down. Make sure to rinse the sponge often. Wipe down the other appliances and do the floors last with the rest of the homes flooring.
• Floors. 15-30 minutes. You’ve left the floors for the house for last. When you vacuum carpets work from the furthest corner of the room and work backwards. You don’t need to overlap too much so the job will go quickly. Sweep floors rather than vacuum when you need to get it done quickly and use an attachment to get in the corners. Use a steam mop or a hardwood floor cleaner on hard surfaces. These are faster and easier to use than traditional mops and will make the job go even faster!
House Cleaning Services in Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Roswell, Duluth, Stone Mountain, Covington, Conyers, Loganville & Atlanta Georgia
This method is great for a quick clean or when you find out you have company in an hour. Spring is a great time to clean your house from top to bottom. For a deep cleaning hire DM Carpet Cleaning. We offer house cleaning services to have your home sparkle and shine. Contact us today to set up an appointment.