Our loving pets love to make themselves at home on our couches and furniture. It always seems that time of year when they shed their fur coat all over your furniture. Sometimes it doesn’t stop there; your poor furniture and its lovely upholstery get those unfortunate potty stains and begin to smell. This poses a serious problem for your living room comfort. DM Carpet Cleaning will help you solve this problem. We will explain the best ways to get the pet hair, stains and odors out of your upholstery.
How to Remove Pet Hair from Your Couch
Most people when cleaning pet fur off of their upholstery always grab the vacuum cleaner to suck up the hair. Where this works on the loose hair, it is not so great on the hairs that seem to be woven into the fabrics. You might find this to be rather annoying to pull one hair out at a time but there is a trick and it doesn’t involve tweezers. One trick that works great is so simple. With a pair of rubber gloves dampen them and simply wipe your hands across the couch surfaces and it will wipe clean. A sponge works well if you don’t have rubber gloves. Another trick is to mix water and fabric softener in a spray bottle and with a damp rag you can wipe the hair away. You might find you will need to use the gloves, sponge or rags a couple of times until the pet hair is all gone.
How to Clean a Couch that has Just Been Peed On
There are two types of pet stains, ones that are fresh and those that are dry. Each needs their own approach when cleaning up the stain. For fresh stains or stains that are still wet, you will want to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. You can use a dry rag or paper towels and press down on the affected area. This works for pet drool as well as urine pet accidents. You might want to wear gloves. Then use a vinegar water mixture to spay on the affected area and blot it with a clean rag. The vinegar will help break down the proteins and help with the smell.
How to Get Old Dog & Cat Pet Urine Stains Out of Sofas
You can also use a steam vacuum to clean, however a carpet steamer works well on dry stains. Start by a vinegar and water mixture to break down the proteins in most stains. After you have cleaned the affected area, switch to a commercial pet stain remover to work on the stain itself. Follow the directions on the commercial cleaner. Liquid dish soap diluted in water works well on the stains. However avoid any cleaning solution with ammonia. It is a scent that will give your pet the urge to want to potty there again even stronger.
How to Remove Pet Odor from Microfiber & Other Fabric Couches
Removing odor is removing the urine when an accident first occurs. However for older stains, it will take a little bit of effort. Start by pouring baking soda on the stain before you begin cleaning the stain. The baking soda will help absorb the scent of the urine out of the upholstery. Vacuum up the baking soda after letting it set for at lease 30 minutes. After letting the baking sodas set, then proceed with cleaning the stain. Using a scented cleaner will also help with the smell. Keep in mind this only covers the smell, not remove it. Baking soda will absorb the scent the best.
Upholstery, Sofa, Couch Cleaning & More in Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Roswell, Duluth, Stone Mountain, Covington, Conyers, Loganville & Atlanta Georgia
Our beloved pets seek their comfort in our home much like we do. If you don’t want your upholstery dirty and stinking, follow these simple steps to reclaim your couch. For all your upholstery needs, DM Carpet Cleaning can provide professional upholstery cleaning and revive your furniture. Call us today.